Sunday, December 19, 2010

Brrrr...Jacket Flips!

When my own children were young we seemed to be addicted to checking out the Preschool Power videos from the library and watching them over and over!  These are still sold today (DVDs now, of course!) and introduce children to a variety of simple practical skills using a Montessori approach.

The Preschool Power DVDs are still as valuable now as they were when my own children were young.  They show real children demonstrating many simple practical and self-help skills!  It was always fun to watch the video with my children and then gather the supplies in order to practice what we had just seen on the video!  (of course the real learning was in the doing...not in watching the video)

The jacket flip was always my favorite!  As soon as the children have the motor skills to put on their jacket by flipping it over their head, they will never go back to struggling to put it on the old fashioned way!  It's just not as easy nor as much fun!  (besides- you can sing a little song while you're doing the jacket flip!)

What in the WORLD made me think of this? 

Well, this awesome post from Pre-K-Pages showing Crawford the Cat putting on his jacket by doing the "jacket flip"!   This is a short, video clip of a cartoon cat putting on his coat the EASY way!  I still prefer the Preschool Power videos since they show real children, but the cartoon is a good introduction to the jacket flip.

If you aren't sure what the "jacket flip" really is, check out the clip on  Pre-K-Pages or go to the Preschool Power website and find the DVD "Jacket Flips and other Tips".   Sorry, no kids around to demonstrate it here, so you'll just have to go to one of these sites to check it out for yourself!  Have fun!                                            

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